Regular Checking
- No minimum balance required
Fees: A per debit of $.05 will be charged for each debit transaction (withdrawal, check paid, automatic transfer or payment out of this account). This fee will not apply to qualifying non-profit organizations.
NOW Account
- $1000.00 minimum balance to open
- $1000.00 minimum balance to avoid imposition of fees and service charges
- Interest will be compounded every month. Interest will be credited to your account every month.
- Interest rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time.
Fees: If the balance falls below $500.00 in any day in the month we will impose a maintenance fee of $5.00 once during a statement cycle. A per debit fee of $.15 will be charged for each debit transaction if the daily balance falls below $500.00. A service charge of $4.00 and per debit of $.10 will be charged for each debit transaction (withdrawal, check paid, automatic transfer or payment out of this account) if the daily balance falls below $1000.00 on any day of the cycle.
- $2500.00 minimum balance to open
- $2500.00 minimum balance to avoid imposition of fees and service charges
- Interest will be compounded every month. Interest will be credited to your account every month.
- Interest rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time.
We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on the SUPER NOW account.
Fees: A service charge of $5.00, and per debit of $.05 will be charged for each debit transaction (withdrawal, check paid, automatic transfer or payment out of this account) if the daily balance falls below $2500.00 on any day of the cycle.
Money Market Account (HI FI)
- $2500.00 minimum balance to open
- $2500.00 minimum balance to avoid imposition of fees and service charges
- Interest will be compounded every month. Interest will be credited to your account every month.
- Interest rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time.
- We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on the Money Market account.
- Transfers from a Money Market account (HI FI) to another account or to third parties by preauthorized, automatic, or telephone transfer are limited to six per statement cycle with no more than three by check, draft, or similar order to third parties.
Fees: A service charge of $5.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance falls below $2500.00 any day of the cycle. A per withdrawal fee of $1.00 will be charged for each withdrawal in excess of six during a statement cycle. A maintenance fee if $1.50 will be imposed on every statement cycle.